Craigslist Search, Craigslist is no longer supported Belong anywhere with Airbnb. Apartments for Rent in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA. Los Angeles, CA. Search 545 Rental Properties in Venice, California. Situated on the Venice Canals of Los Angeles, Hover House 3 represents the third in architect Glen Irani's series of Hover Houses which focuses on maximizing outdoor living environments by structurally "hovering" the building envelope above the land. See floorplans, pictures, prices & info for available Cheap apartments in Venice, CA. It was founded as a city in 1905, when it was already a well-known resort area. Find your Venice lifestyle at Windward Village Apartments! tends to be a little more affordable than the stretch between Venice Blvd. There’s an equally entertaining mix of restaurants, bars, and shops along the boardwalk. Property Details. 1 bd, 1 ba, 650 sqft - Condo for rent; 4 days ago. Cats and dogs are allowed, making it a pet-friendly building. Jan 21, 2021 - Rent from people in Venice, Los Angeles, CA from $20/night. Find your Venice lifestyle at Windward Village Apartments! It is nice being by the beach and everything is walkable. California Apartments 609 California Avenue , Venice, California 90291 62+ and/or disabled affordable housing (Project Based Voucher) All-one bedroom units Exploring from your holiday apartment in Venice. There’s an equally entertaining mix of restaurants, bars, and shops along the boardwalk. Large master bedroom suite with sliding glass doors that lead out to a lush backyard. This community defines what West Coast living is all about. Located just minutes from delicious eats and great shopping, Venice Beach has something for everyone. Venice Beach is brimming grit and LA character. Obsessed with this neighborhood. Search apartments for rent in the Venice, Los Angeles neighborhood with the largest and most trusted rental site. This colorful, coastal locale sits in the Westside of the city, and is known for its laid-back, eclectic energy. Get all the insight you need to make your rental decision by reading candid reviews at California Apartments is located on 609 California Avenue, Venice, CA, 90291, see maps & photos for detail.California Apartments is an affordable apartment community for Seniors 62 years and older or disabled. Located in Los Angeles, 1.6 mi from Dockweiler State Beach and 8.1 mi from Petersen Automotive Museum, Private Apartments Venice Beach&MDR features accommodations with free WiFi, a garden with an outdoor swimming pool, pool views, and access to a fitness room and a hot tub. There are avocado, lemon, apple, and plum trees ready to harvest. provides you with the most comprehensive list of rentals so you can find your perfect home. Jaw-dropping newly constructed, gated Modern Masterpiece! The price range for a studio apartment in Venice, Los Angeles, CA is between $1,250 and $2,595. With Venice’s booming market, don’t expect rents to drop around here anytime soon. Here you will find thoughtfully designed one- and two-bedroom Venice apartment homes that offer you a whole new world of upscale living. Location, location, location! “ The apartment was ideally situated on a very quiet campo just beside Campo Santa Maria formosa, at equal distance between San Marco and the Rialto, which is ideal to visit Venice. Located just minutes from delicious eats and great shopping, ... Venice Beach - Los Angeles, CA apartments for rent Find your Venice lifestyle at Windward Village Apartments! It became quite rundown until the 1950s when efforts began to restore the area but perhaps this period was key in Venice becoming a more Bohemian area of the city.

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